Prework Study Guide
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- The HyperText Markup Language or HTML is the standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser.
- HTML defines the content and structure of web content for integration with CSS and JavaScript.
- The head element contains information about the webpage.
- The body element represents the visible content shown to the user.
- The HTML file contains the HTML data, which brokers the information from the .css file and .js files
- The head element of the HTML data is where the .css file link is created
- The body element of the HTML data is where the .js file link is created
- HTML Colors can be hash values or sematic references
HTML color reference
- Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used for specifying the presentation and styling of a document written in a markup language such as HTML or XML.
- CSS primary purpose is to style the webpage and improve the UI/UX experience for the consumer
- CCS features and properties such as margin indicates how much space we want around the outside of an element.
- According to CSS standards padding indicates how much space we want around the content inside an element.
- Git is a distributed version control system that tracks changes in any set of computer files.
- Git is primarily used for managing local repositories and reconciling with the main branch for group development projects.
- Git is used to track changes in sets of computer files and is operated through a terminal GUI
- GitBash is a product that allows users to execute local git commands so that developers and engineers can send changes to the main branch located in a GitHub repository
- Git can be executed via CMD terminal, GitCMD and GitBash, however some commands such as creating files, may require the use of GitBash.
Git Cheat Sheet Link
- JavaScript is a programming language and core technology of the World Wide Web, alongside HTML and CSS
- JavaScript adds functionality and interactability to a webpage.
- A variable is a named container that allows us to store data in our code.
- Control flow is the order in which a computer executes code in a script.
- 98.9% of websites use JavaScript on the client side for webpage behavior!
- JavaScript data is contained in a .js file that is linked to a web page's html data in a "script" element.
DataStructures Reference
JavaScript Basics Reference